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The Garderhøj Foundation

The Garderhøj fortress was built by private means, and when it was finished it was handed over to the Ministry of Defense. This happened on the 27. august 1892. However the fort was only loaned out to the government, who had an obligation to maintain it.

When the fortifications were disbanded in 1920, the Foundation stepped up and allowed the army to store ammunition there. In 1930 the army got permission from the Foundation to store ammunition in the Infantry barracks as well. The agreement was continued on the 4. February 1931.

After the 2. World War the Garderhøjfort was used as a tactical exercise area for medics, and other departments of the army. In the 1990ies the Garderhøjfort became protected as a military and historic landmark.

The new Garderhøj Foundation has 7 members, just like the old one always had to have.

The purpose of the Foundation:

  • to take over the maintainance of the fortress,
  • to acquire the means to restore the fortress to its former appearance,
  • to renovate and maintain the military positions etc. around the fortress,
  • to open the fortress to the public,
  • through exhibitions or other means showcase the military history of Denmark and Europe and military installations,
  • to make use of the fortress for other cultural purposes, which can naturally occur on the fortress,
  • to use the surrounding area for recreative purposes with respect for the fortress and nature,
  • to take care of the daily maintenance, use, and administration of rules for public acces, and,
  • work to better the defense of the country.

Former members of the Foundation:

  • Ceremonimester, oberstløjtnant, kammerherre Christian Eugen-Olsen. Formand fra 1996 til 2014 (formand),
  • Informationschef, cand.jur. Jørgen Bonne, fra 1996 til 2001
  • Den Kongelige Jægermester, statsskovridder, hofjægermester Klaus Waage Sørensen, fra 1996 til 2001
  • Professor, dr.jur. & phil. Ditlev Tamm, fra 1996 til 2001
  • Direktør, cand.jur. Frederik Teisen, fra 1996 til 2010
  • Civilingeniør Henrik Heikel Vinther, fra 1996 til 2006
  • Advokat, oberstløjtnant Henrik baron Wedell-Wedellsborg, fra 1996 til 2014
  • Henning Bach Christensen, fra 2001 til 2006
  • Inspektør på Tøjhusmuseet, Kay Søren Nielsen, fra 2001 til 2006

Current members:

  • Oberst, kammerherre Lasse Harkjær, fra 2006, formand fra 2014
  • Advokat Kirsten Kierkegaard, fra 2007
  • Afdelingschef, oberstløjtnant af reserven Peder Jon Andersen, fra 2008
  • Entreprenør Peter Ortmann, fra 2006
  • Associeret partner, advokat Philip A. Borreschmidt, fra 2014
  • Direktør Asger Høeg, fra 2014
  • Historisk Leder, specialkonsulent Eric Lerdrup Bourgois, fra 2014

The Foundation have a commander to take daily care of the Fortress:

  • Peter Juul, fra 1996 til 2012
  • Flemming Torp, fra 2012

Garderhøjfondens fundats (in Danish) can be seen here:

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